
Julie Lafnitzegger

January 9th, 2015   Lombard, Illinois

Julie Lafnitzegger has drawn 420 drawings and authored 201 captions across 621 games. They follow 0 players and have 19 followers. They've earned a total of 3,431 emotes!


Commented in the game I am the bat

Commented in the game X-Men VS Street Fighter

Commented in the game X-Men VS Street Fighter

Commented in the game X-Men VS Street Fighter

Commented in the game Draw your best picture PIO

Commented in the game "Yer a Wizard, Barry"

Commented in the game Updog

Commented in the game Eve Online

Commented in the game a blanket

Commented in the game The Green Arrow

Commented in the game Sixxy can into vet games :D

Commented in the game Sixxy can into vet games :D

Commented in the game Video Killed the Radio Star

Commented in the game Video Killed the Radio Star

Commented in the game D

Commented in the game robotic pikachu