

January 16th, 2015   The Void

Alithia has drawn 262 drawings and authored 340 captions across 602 games. They follow 8 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 1,535 emotes!


Commented in the game Bad pun

Commented in the game Nomato and bananah

Commented in the game batman on the iron throne

Commented in the game 74

Commented in the game Favorite song (P.I.O.)

Commented in the game mm2wood (look it up)

Commented in the game mm2wood (look it up)

Commented in the game SPAGHETTI

Commented in the game ME ME BIG BOY.

Commented in the game Step 1:have dinner

Commented in the game Free Draw [Pass It On / P.I.O.]

Commented in the game loss.jpg

Commented in the game Favourite Sword Pass it On

Commented in the game The Bourgeois Elite

Commented in the game Favourite Sword Pass it On

Commented in the game The triangle of life ( LION KING)

Commented in the game Tomodachi Life