
Aaron Kruse

January 18th, 2015   Chicago, Illinois

Aaron Kruse has drawn 23 drawings and authored 10 captions across 33 games. They've earned a total of 47 emotes!


Latest Games

Mario and Bowser team up to defeat capitalism May 26th, 2016
Jake the dog pooped his diaper abt to be eaten May 26th, 2016
Racoon about to attack a piranha May 26th, 2016
bmo sniffs jake the dog's full diapered butt May 25th, 2016
Furry Approves of Raincoat May 25th, 2016
[ NSFW (18+) Game ]
May 12th, 2015
Skeletor May 6th, 2015
Mouse Loves Tree
May 6th, 2015
CHOCOLATE!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May 6th, 2015
57th birthday on fire like my mixtape May 6th, 2015
The essence of the life May 6th, 2015
Bear Loves Stickman
May 6th, 2015