

February 14th, 2015

ozeloti has drawn 343 drawings and authored 351 captions across 694 games. They follow 7 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 2,424 emotes!

Nuclear explosion behind scissors&paper Feb 16th, 2015
Purple Man and Grey Man in love Feb 16th, 2015
notorious acronym scares white people Feb 16th, 2015
severed finger is worth one cent Feb 16th, 2015
I fart on your grave Feb 16th, 2015
reptile people Feb 16th, 2015
The lemons are taking over the world!!! Feb 16th, 2015
queen of Russia Feb 16th, 2015
Shy Gengar Feb 16th, 2015
Spider Man throwing a stick like a javelin Feb 15th, 2015
Toadette. Feb 15th, 2015
blobs running away in the dark Feb 15th, 2015
Hank Hill levitates beer can with mind. Feb 15th, 2015
Gorgeous Blonde Bearded Lady Feb 15th, 2015
invisible man w/ ant necklase flies cheese ufo Feb 15th, 2015
Russia shoots Ukraine. Italy forces Russia. Feb 15th, 2015
Dorky Link likes Blue Black and White Feb 15th, 2015
pretty ginger girl in red dress Feb 14th, 2015