

February 22nd, 2015

CyanideBreathmint has drawn 916 drawings and authored 365 captions across 1,281 games. They follow 118 players and have 179 followers. They've earned a total of 10,611 emotes!


Commented in the game Jotaro's Lemonade Stand

Commented in the game There's a Tarantula In The Yard

Commented in the game There's a Tarantula In The Yard

Commented in the game SANS DANCE!!!!!!!

Commented in the game Nerd Bee

Commented in the game A giant heart in the sky.

Commented in the game Nerd Bee

Commented in the game Creeping Death

Commented in the game Your favourite famous painting

Commented in the game Panel before was drawn by Ninja

Commented in the game Ho ho ho it's Vader Claus!

Commented in the game Ho ho ho it's Vader Claus!

Commented in the game SnoopGIR and Woodstock

Commented in the game Mix of space and underwater