Commented in the game Are rock alive?
Commented in the game Two members of the Recess gang
Commented in the game Where's Wario?
Commented in the game The end! The illiuminati had a glitch
Commented in the game Trained Velociraptors?
Commented in the game golden freddy jumping on heavy from tf2
Commented in the game Derpy hooves at the pearly gates
Commented in the game I love cats. I love every kind of cat...
Commented in the game triforce with purple background
Commented in the game TMNT Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel
Commented in the game A polar bear rides Bart Simpson
Commented in the game Bird's eye view of a swingset
Commented in the game Something for my Profile picture
Commented in the game The FNAF version of the easter bu(o)nnie