
Sanguine Koala

March 11th, 2015

Sanguine Koala has drawn 13 drawings and authored 7 captions across 20 games. They've earned a total of 29 emotes!

Artax's end. Apr 9th, 2015
Hylian cigar Apr 8th, 2015
What if Tarzan was raised by penguins... Apr 8th, 2015
Red ant burglar steals black ant's purse Apr 8th, 2015
Man thinks table isn't allowed to race Apr 8th, 2015
Mario imagines happy blonde girl with balloon. Mar 13th, 2015
Ginger Life! Mar 13th, 2015
strange orange man in horse costume Mar 11th, 2015
A man surprised from a burger with no top bun Mar 11th, 2015
demon eating leaf Mar 11th, 2015
Hell hound snoozin' Mar 11th, 2015
Frozen baby holding crotch with talking dog. Mar 11th, 2015
You're waifu Mar 11th, 2015