

April 9th, 2015   Iceland

yveltaluigi has drawn 210 drawings and authored 106 captions across 316 games. They follow 3 players and have 21 followers. They've earned a total of 2,079 emotes!

Crash! Into the rolling morning! Jan 29th, 2014
Waluigi on His Off Days Apr 14th, 2015
Draw your OTP: Pass it on Apr 26th, 2015
Black Widow is the best Avenger Apr 23rd, 2015
Mario's fursona Apr 24th, 2015
Batman is Sparticus Apr 24th, 2015
To Deadpool or not to Deadpool, that is the question Apr 24th, 2015
Spyro with the genie's lantern. Apr 23rd, 2015
Deadpool makes chimichangas Apr 24th, 2015
Dead knight's tomb Apr 23rd, 2015
Young crocodile child looks up to you. Apr 23rd, 2015
Secret dinosaur superhero Apr 23rd, 2015
derp crash bandicoot Apr 23rd, 2015
Draw your biggest childhood fear and PIO Apr 23rd, 2015
Kitten Apocalypse Apr 23rd, 2015
Legless lego legolas' lego lass. Feb 10th, 2015
wario tries t eat pizza but it burns his mouth Apr 20th, 2015
OIB Apr 21st, 2015