
Liam Funnyman

May 2nd, 2015

Liam Funnyman has drawn 108 drawings and authored 1,231 captions across 1,339 games. They follow 11 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,708 emotes!


Commented in the game Sultree

Commented in the game Frisk for Super Smash Bros.

Commented in the game Chara is not EVIL

Commented in the game Dr. Eggseal

Commented in the game Frisk for Super Smash Bros.

Commented in the game Frisk for Super Smash Bros.

Commented in the game Catbug!

Commented in the game Scooby's been replaced by Astro

Commented in the game Dr. Eggseal

Commented in the game Praying Mantis

Commented in the game Napstablook for prez

Commented in the game Napsta

Commented in the game Beerception

Commented in the game Metroid/Banjo-Kazooie crossover