
The Grotto

May 11th, 2015

The Grotto has drawn 288 drawings and authored 835 captions across 1,123 games. They follow 11 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 4,910 emotes!


Commented in the game "World of Warcraft"

Commented in the game Walt Disney hates Frozen

Commented in the game cat-apult

Commented in the game A Newly Invented Sport

Commented in the game cat-apult

Commented in the game I like Toutles

Commented in the game Ghost afraid and lost in woods

Commented in the game Underrated movie, pass it on!

Commented in the game Buff man uses too much spray tan

Commented in the game Yell-down-war-hellride

Commented in the game Dr. Murderer for President!

Commented in the game Blue cow eating Doritos

Commented in the game I am the bone of my sword.

Commented in the game Unicorns need armor too

Commented in the game Samus destroys Eggman's robots.

Commented in the game Ooooooooh!

Commented in the game Swag Trap and the Enragement Child