

May 20th, 2015   KOTH Sawmill

Wafflepelt has drawn 135 drawings and authored 309 captions across 444 games. They follow 140 players and have 48 followers. They've earned a total of 1,462 emotes!


Commented in the game Find The Panda

Commented in the game TF2 Scout is 'Murican!

Commented in the game TF2 Scout is 'Murican!

Commented in the game Stormtrooper yells "Traitor!"

Commented in the game D - O - Double G

Commented in the game When Mom isn't home

Commented in the game Sardonyx's head.

Commented in the game No! Not the bore worms!

Commented in the game Sardonyx's head.

Commented in the game When Mom isn't home

Commented in the game Define Tumblr. P.I.O

Commented in the game donald trumpet

Commented in the game Define Tumblr. P.I.O

Commented in the game OMLWTFBBQ

Commented in the game Fin is a TRAITOR!!!