
bessie thecow

May 24th, 2015

bessie thecow has drawn 231 drawings and authored 288 captions across 519 games. They follow 18 players and have 20 followers. They've earned a total of 1,553 emotes!


Commented in the game Your favorite anime character PIO

Commented in the game A pink man saying "Hey Boss"

Commented in the game snopp dogg

Commented in the game weeb trash

Commented in the game Your favorite anime PIO

Commented in the game You are drawing in a Spiderman game

Commented in the game Draw something cool.

Commented in the game Fairy tail is my favorite anime

Commented in the game Baymax

Commented in the game Your favorite anime PIO

Commented in the game The Doctor regenerates as a woman

Commented in the game Fun ball pit

Commented in the game spingebib squirepints

Commented in the game Homer Simpson as a Disney Princess

Commented in the game Fav Anime Character PIO

Commented in the game Muffin with an eyepatch

Commented in the game Ness and Lucas