

May 24th, 2015

Valli has drawn 14 drawings and authored 5 captions across 19 games. They've earned a total of 32 emotes!

Drinking wine from a tree stump. Jun 25th, 2015
Big Boss
Jun 2nd, 2015
space eel May 26th, 2015
masterhand asking where his ammibo figure is May 26th, 2015
4chan logo forcing itself on the tumblr logo May 25th, 2015
a red Venezuela m and m opposed USA May 25th, 2015
But we do know it was us that scorched the sky May 24th, 2015
Alphabet bone May 24th, 2015
Blastoise eating a tire May 24th, 2015
Sitting on dead men who have sinks for  heads May 24th, 2015
Bonfire and Grey weasel dating on a desert May 24th, 2015
Eintein invents the number 22 May 24th, 2015
Girl stops to pee in a river valley. May 24th, 2015
Southpark guy says meh at a pink witch May 24th, 2015