

May 28th, 2015

Heldane has drawn 25 drawings and authored 23 captions across 48 games. They follow 1 players and have 0 followers. They've earned a total of 68 emotes!

I just lost the game, also the meaning of life Jun 3rd, 2015
Three men with hats and one man without a hat. May 30th, 2015
Drawception D is the killer May 29th, 2015
The spider has just finished dinner & is full May 29th, 2015
An Obscure 80s Reference May 29th, 2015
Wolverine angel. May 29th, 2015
puzzled minion with boobs May 29th, 2015
2 wizards with long arms enjoying a barbecue May 29th, 2015
dead guy is just sleeping May 29th, 2015
Hitler's space station doesn't quite work out. May 29th, 2015
evil pea attacks a monkey and an ant. May 29th, 2015
Dog-man looks off into the sunset May 29th, 2015
Someone really angry against his Mac May 29th, 2015
green floppy alien is coming to get you May 29th, 2015
Why kids did not like Brocoli in ancient times May 29th, 2015
pot of gold thinking of its rainbow May 29th, 2015
Nuclear nyan cat loves you May 28th, 2015
Maintenance on a probe orbiting the sun May 28th, 2015