

May 31st, 2015

SuperEd1001 has drawn 56 drawings and authored 30 captions across 86 games. They follow 1 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 150 emotes!


Commented in the game KNOCK KNOCK ITS KNUCKLES

Commented in the game oh, there you are, perry!

Commented in the game oh, there you are, perry!

Commented in the game Let me tell you about Homestuck

Commented in the game Shovel Knight digs a grave

Commented in the game We all know greed is good.

Commented in the game Major Lazer!

Commented in the game Let's count to 12, PIO! One...

Commented in the game Let's count to 12, PIO! One...

Commented in the game All hail the space-pope!

Commented in the game Blade runner

Commented in the game Next president Juan el americano

Commented in the game Next president Juan el americano

Commented in the game Makin' Bacon Pancakes

Commented in the game Major Lazer!

Commented in the game Bantersaurus Rex

Commented in the game Mary Sue Character

Commented in the game sushi hugs onigiri

Commented in the game Punk gnomes vandalize a garden.

Commented in the game Abyssal head