

June 5th, 2015

regalia has drawn 40 drawings and authored 77 captions across 117 games. They've earned a total of 110 emotes!


Commented in the game Gunnerkrigg Court

Commented in the game draw me deadpool

Commented in the game The Crow (movie)

Commented in the game hacker reimu and marise krismas

Commented in the game oktoberfest

Commented in the game oktoberfest

Commented in the game The peanuts movie in 3D

Commented in the game A knight fighting a wizard

Commented in the game Knife has mind of it's own

Commented in the game Luffy

Commented in the game bowties are cool

Commented in the game Half-Life 3 confirmed.

Commented in the game are you my mummy?

Commented in the game i like turtles

Commented in the game pirate flag

Commented in the game Dreamcatcher