
Sam Crain

June 13th, 2015

Sam Crain has drawn 44 drawings and authored 15 captions across 59 games. They've earned a total of 123 emotes!

Mummy wants to explode soccer stadium Jun 23rd, 2015
The Claaaaaaaw Jun 23rd, 2015
Hitchcock's Birds meets Rear Window Jun 23rd, 2015
Super mecha death Christ Jun 23rd, 2015
I can't get no satisfaction Jun 23rd, 2015
7 year old sees his grandma!!! Hooray!! Jun 23rd, 2015
Confederate hilly billy band Jun 23rd, 2015
How to NOT Get Away With Murder. Jun 23rd, 2015
A cat with the head of a depressed sheep Jun 23rd, 2015
castle clasher fights scary mustache man Jun 23rd, 2015
Mine turtle ! Jun 22nd, 2015
GENTLEMEN. Jun 22nd, 2015
cute tiger growling
Jun 22nd, 2015
Giant space cats attacking Japan Jun 22nd, 2015