
Annick Christy

June 14th, 2015

Annick Christy has drawn 14 drawings and authored 4 captions across 18 games. They follow 2 players and have 0 followers. They've earned a total of 24 emotes!

claustrophobic neandertaler plays golf Aug 25th, 2015
donde esta el bano (whoops, this is france) Aug 25th, 2015
a bird thing on a car in the desert Aug 25th, 2015
Blue man group guy as slime covered Blues Bro Aug 25th, 2015
a crying guy gets rejected by every country Aug 25th, 2015
Cooking rooster in the new kitchen with a dril Aug 25th, 2015
Javik the Trollthean Jun 14th, 2015
brown truck w/blue apperature and letters asps Jun 14th, 2015
ryu hits a smash ball Jun 14th, 2015
Knock knock - Who's there? - DA DOOR! Jun 14th, 2015
batman's slow watch & the joker saying GetRekt Jun 14th, 2015
Lots and Lots of Dinner Jun 14th, 2015
Abracadaniel from Splatoon stares at flower. Jun 14th, 2015
Demonic money
Jun 14th, 2015
alien head and body in the  ocean Jun 14th, 2015