
Graham Terry

June 26th, 2015

Graham Terry has drawn 25 drawings and authored 267 captions across 292 games. They follow 3 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 315 emotes!


Commented in the game Rick and Morty become Nazis

Commented in the game Step 1: Procrastinate on homework

Commented in the game Magic Conch Shell

Commented in the game Favorite Airplane PIO

Commented in the game John Egbert does the Windy Thing

Commented in the game Mr. Rental

Commented in the game Favorite Siivagunner rip PIO

Commented in the game It's the Nutshack!

Commented in the game Sportacus' druggie cousin, snortacus

Commented in the game Garmfrel and jon rob a pasta bank

Commented in the game Horton Hears an Ho-229

Commented in the game Garfielf (Look it up)

Commented in the game An icecream truck WITH GUN !

Commented in the game Rick and Morty hate Vine

Commented in the game "We have lost a command post!"