Commented in the game Kratos vs. Jesus
Commented in the game Pokemon vs Star Trek
Commented in the game Psycho remake w/ Christopher Walken in all parts
Commented in the game Confuse A Cat, Ltd.
Commented in the game Battletoads
Commented in the game Battletoads
Commented in the game It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
Commented in the game Marilyn Manson performs the River Dance
Commented in the game Confuse A Cat, Ltd.
Commented in the game God Creates Platypus
Commented in the game God Creates Platypus
Commented in the game Gender-swapped Ninja Turtles
Commented in the game Phoenix Wright defends Hitman at court
Commented in the game Seal playing with balls
Commented in the game CTHULHU RL'YEH FHTAGN
Commented in the game Gender-swapped Ninja Turtles
Commented in the game Gender-swapped Ninja Turtles
Commented in the game Draw something ironic
Commented in the game Toucan Monkey
Commented in the game Dreaming I'm in school and have no clothes on