

July 17th, 2015   Deviantart: onepieceninja

jojopls has drawn 137 drawings and authored 150 captions across 287 games. They follow 97 players and have 159 followers. They've earned a total of 2,705 emotes!


Commented in the game Father Pucci

Commented in the game Stupid Zebra eating poop

Commented in the game Anakin doesn't like sand.

Commented in the game H3H3

Commented in the game Ya like jazz?

Commented in the game A beautiful D U W A N G

Commented in the game Goodbye Leia

Commented in the game I hate everything

Commented in the game Giygas

Commented in the game I got into a KARS accident

Commented in the game Jabba x Jar Jar (so much tongue...)

Commented in the game Darth Vader

Commented in the game Edgar Allen Poe Dameron

Commented in the game It's not a panel; it's Dio!