Commented in the game The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
Commented in the game Daddy beats up donation machine
Commented in the game Cartoon dad with pink bunny ears on
Commented in the game Scumlord Egg cries on poop in basement
Commented in the game Angra Mainyu
Commented in the game Yorokobe Shonen
Commented in the game So as I pray... UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS
Commented in the game the New world order
Commented in the game Nani sore?
Commented in the game Scumlord Egg glitches the Matrix
Commented in the game Scumlord Egg glitches the Matrix
Commented in the game Unlimited Blade Works
Commented in the game Scumlord Egg takes Mom's Knife
Commented in the game Tonight I dine on turtle soup!
Commented in the game Scumlord Egg cries on feces in basement
Commented in the game Scumlord Egg beats The Lost with Ipecac
Commented in the game Egg beats small crying child in the womb