

July 27th, 2015   Home

CrazyDave has drawn 123 drawings and authored 208 captions across 331 games. They follow 0 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 418 emotes!


Commented in the game Deviant art (in a nutshell)

Commented in the game Deviant art (in a nutshell)

Commented in the game Kermit and Doraemon have a party.

Commented in the game A kelpie

Commented in the game These amps go to 11.

Commented in the game Sexxy Times

Commented in the game quagmire from family guy arrested

Commented in the game Minions?

Commented in the game Clown boxing

Commented in the game Mind controlling minion dictator

Commented in the game Mind controlling minion dictator

Commented in the game Evil Tree

Commented in the game A Looney Tune as Dr. Who

Commented in the game Super Saiyan Shia LaBeouf

Commented in the game Super Saiyan Shia LaBeouf

Commented in the game A Rainbow