

July 28th, 2015   dopeytown

chocofight has drawn 688 drawings and authored 178 captions across 866 games. They follow 31 players and have 53 followers. They've earned a total of 6,323 emotes!


Commented in the game Pennywise The Clown

Commented in the game Pennywise The Clown

Commented in the game tear in the fabric of time

Commented in the game Hell Yeah Jack-o-Lanterns!

Commented in the game Marilyn Monroe

Commented in the game lion king but with pyroars (pokemon)

Commented in the game 2-D and Murdoc (Gorillaz)

Commented in the game Jill Valentine!

Commented in the game Old man Jesus

Commented in the game it's my birthday! :D

Commented in the game Barack Obama

Commented in the game City Lights at Night

Commented in the game Transmetropolitan

Commented in the game noir

Commented in the game mom's spaghetti