
Brad Knights

September 4th, 2015

Brad Knights has drawn 322 drawings and authored 217 captions across 539 games. They follow 0 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 2,270 emotes!


Commented in the game Dancing Dustbin Robot

Commented in the game Immature Radioactive Samurai Slugs

Commented in the game Sonic hadoukens a rain cloud

Commented in the game Your worst drawception nightmare

Commented in the game Every sonic OC ever

Commented in the game Sonic Rainboom

Commented in the game goat riding a segway

Commented in the game Robot God

Commented in the game Hawkward

Commented in the game Decomposition of Composition

Commented in the game It's october! Time to get spooky!

Commented in the game Purple bear guy

Commented in the game Favourite board or card game PIO

Commented in the game Great circle of Urkel

Commented in the game ROBOT SKELETON.