

October 17th, 2015

kurokure has drawn 165 drawings and authored 127 captions across 292 games. They follow 28 players and have 38 followers. They've earned a total of 1,178 emotes!


Commented in the game The Tri-horse

Commented in the game 2010 version of Youtube

Commented in the game The Tri-horse

Commented in the game Draw really fast P.I.O

Commented in the game Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)

Commented in the game Advice skeleton

Commented in the game Amethyst eats a taco

Commented in the game THE MEME TEAM

Commented in the game Masterchief tea-bagging Truth

Commented in the game Toilet of the future

Commented in the game Rhythm Heaven Car Segment

Commented in the game Street Fighter

Commented in the game hey i'm grump

Commented in the game Raven and Starfire

Commented in the game Swiper no sideswiping

Commented in the game None pizza with left beef

Commented in the game Kirito from Sword Art Online!

Commented in the game Introducing the Beatles