
penguin is the

October 22nd, 2015

penguin is the has drawn 65 drawings and authored 53 captions across 118 games. They follow 1 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 179 emotes!

Leaked XKCD Comic Mar 2nd, 2016
boy with dead blue bird at 8 o'clock Mar 1st, 2016
frog killer Mar 1st, 2016
evil boss stares into employees eyes Mar 1st, 2016
gun fight Mar 1st, 2016
u cant catch the plate Mar 1st, 2016
cool plant Mar 1st, 2016
pumpkin carves human, ending pumpkin racism Mar 1st, 2016
Pokemon battle everyones been waiting for Jan 12th, 2016
A kid with half a watermelon for a head Jan 12th, 2016
Joker: No just NO! Jan 12th, 2016
Nothing Nov 15th, 2015
'Wow, this Thanksgiving really RAISED the bar! Nov 13th, 2015
Sad German man cries over broken toys. Nov 13th, 2015
Small Black Bear in a Pink Dress Nov 12th, 2015
A Trap Nov 12th, 2015
PI (3.14) rises up against the sun's tyranny Nov 12th, 2015
poop chasing after a lady sledding Nov 12th, 2015