Commented in the game Favorite Pokemon DOn't PIO
Commented in the game Nothing
Commented in the game Stephanie (Lazytown) comes out of the closet
Commented in the game a small loan of a million dollars (Trump)
Commented in the game Favorite Anime PIO
Commented in the game snowman mugging children
Commented in the game The cutest anime girl(Ifurbadatdrawingskipdis)
Commented in the game That was when I struck
Commented in the game hOi!!!11!
Commented in the game Dave Strider and John Egbert
Commented in the game Donkey kicks feminazi
Commented in the game I hate it when Darth Vaders gives me an F
Commented in the game #CUPodcast
Commented in the game The reason for living.
Commented in the game Charlie Brown is part giraffe.
Commented in the game PIO PIO PIO PIO
Commented in the game You might be asking yourself who is John Galt?
Commented in the game K-On! (Anime)
Commented in the game FedEx Crate
Commented in the game Depression