Commented in the game Thats really fricken' metal bro

Worthy of top game.
Commented in the game Jesus loves everyone regardless of preference!

@Spatula how did no one notice!
Commented in the game TakedaXJaqui MkX

This got dark quick.
Commented in the game The Dragonborn takes a shower for the first ti

Is shrek's penicle out?
Commented in the game TakedaXJaqui MkX

Well, it stayed sorta like the first panel.
Commented in the game Sanic

Wow, here I am thinking this was going to be a touching song chain XD
Commented in the game he stumbled into faith and thought.. (cont.)

Eh, it stayed simple at least.
Commented in the game "Beep Boop, Maggot!" PIO

Lol.......potato with pigtails..
Commented in the game Jessica Rabbit version of Rick

I'm so sorry.
Commented in the game (Pick and draw any character from TWD)
Lol, Bush did it.