

November 27th, 2015

zzzwgatever has drawn 135 drawings and authored 137 captions across 272 games. They follow 39 players and have 47 followers. They've earned a total of 1,076 emotes!


Commented in the game nes vs sans

Commented in the game Undertale Halloween Version

Commented in the game Succ

Commented in the game Ursa(Grimm type RWBY)

Commented in the game Danger Dolan vs Regular Dolan

Commented in the game U L T R A S A N S

Commented in the game Danger Dolan vs Regular Dolan

Commented in the game Danger Dolan vs Regular Dolan

Commented in the game Fan

Commented in the game Flowey finds his bae, Bill Cipher

Commented in the game Hatred

Commented in the game I found Mettaton's legs!

Commented in the game Russia and everything Russian.

Commented in the game The newest horror movie "ALGEBRA"

Commented in the game Boku no pico