
Spark Shower

December 12th, 2015   http://ask-splash-sparkz.deviantart.com

Spark Shower has drawn 135 drawings and authored 358 captions across 493 games. They follow 19 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,362 emotes!


Commented in the game Omega Papyrus

Commented in the game Oh noes a Derailment Troll!!

Commented in the game Garchomp

Commented in the game Oh noes a Derailment Troll!!

Commented in the game Cerberus

Commented in the game Hiff in Yell, diaper bag.

Commented in the game Oh noes a Derailment Troll!!

Commented in the game Mr.Bob rises to power.

Commented in the game Having A Bad Time

Commented in the game "Hey, listen !"

Commented in the game "Hey, listen !"

Commented in the game Having A Bad Time

Commented in the game Oh noes a Derailment Troll!!

Commented in the game Jacksfilms hosting =3

Commented in the game all hail the mighty tambourine