
Gloria Griffin Waller

December 30th, 2015

Gloria Griffin Waller has drawn 28 drawings and authored 0 captions across 28 games. They've earned a total of 56 emotes!

A woman with gray hair and closed eyes Jan 11th, 2016
Aflac Jan 11th, 2016
Ant-Man goes on strike Jan 10th, 2016
bloody spider lady Jan 10th, 2016
Non-vets ONLY!!! Jan 8th, 2016
Runner poops on her foot Jan 8th, 2016
lifeguard with extra arm Jan 8th, 2016
pikadoge Jan 8th, 2016
nerd is bored and says jinkies Jan 6th, 2016
Pingu Creed Jan 5th, 2016
FIGHT! Summer vs. Winter Jan 5th, 2016
When life gives you lemons... Jan 5th, 2016
GTA in space Jan 5th, 2016
Ghost bullies another ghost. Jan 5th, 2016
Crystal person and crystals Jan 5th, 2016
VERY Annoying Dog Jan 4th, 2016
Colors! NOOOOOO! Jan 4th, 2016
Adele's hello Jan 3rd, 2016