
Christian Ekiza

January 4th, 2016

Christian Ekiza has drawn 226 drawings and authored 284 captions across 510 games. They follow 6 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 1,781 emotes!


Commented in the game Handsome Bill Cipher

Commented in the game Handsome Bill Cipher

Commented in the game Handsome Bill Cipher

Commented in the game Death metal singer in Hell

Commented in the game Temujin

Commented in the game Captain Batman Vs Iron Superman

Commented in the game Captain Batman Vs Iron Superman

Commented in the game Frisk stars in Underboob (PG-13)

Commented in the game Babyyyyyyyyyyy Mariooooooooooo!

Commented in the game Temujin

Commented in the game DC Presents. . . Drawn of Justice

Commented in the game Why so Sirious

Commented in the game Handsome Drawception D

Commented in the game Unhandsome (re)Tardis

Commented in the game Handsome Ghosts chasing Pac-Man

Commented in the game robot apocalypse

Commented in the game Handsome Drawception D

Commented in the game Blackula