

January 20th, 2016

Legoguy22 has drawn 61 drawings and authored 354 captions across 415 games. They follow 7 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 410 emotes!


Commented in the game Space Remote

Commented in the game dad say "oh o my child"

Commented in the game the zodiac killer goes for a swim

Commented in the game the zodiac killer goes for a swim

Commented in the game Drawception in a nutshell.

Commented in the game a happy rainbow over a waterfall

Commented in the game Leave the drawing blank on purpose

Commented in the game Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel

Commented in the game whiteface

Commented in the game no babies allowed

Commented in the game Bill Cipher with fabulous legs

Commented in the game It has to rhyme with "test" PIO

Commented in the game Kumamon

Commented in the game Needwagon for Speedwagon

Commented in the game Don't vote for Trump!

Commented in the game The Tunnel Snakes!

Commented in the game Lemmy enjoying himself in Hell

Commented in the game the earl of lemongrab