

February 27th, 2016

AmyRoss101 has drawn 16 drawings and authored 122 captions across 138 games. They follow 49 players and have 9 followers. They've earned a total of 197 emotes!


Commented in the game Banana

Commented in the game L.H.O.O.Q.

Commented in the game SEPULCHRITUDE

Commented in the game CASSOWARY!!!

Commented in the game CASSOWARY!!!

Commented in the game Grapes

Commented in the game Bootleg Steven Universe characters

Commented in the game my little brony

Commented in the game Walking dead

Commented in the game Internet Princess

Commented in the game Your favorite colour PIO

Commented in the game A Potato

Commented in the game Handsome Bob the Builder.

Commented in the game Look at all those chickens!

Commented in the game One day the zombies will rise...

Commented in the game What is Love?

Commented in the game Neo chose the red pill

Commented in the game Petrie Dish

Commented in the game Petrie Dish