

March 1st, 2016   Somewhere in the USA

MissFrost425 has drawn 186 drawings and authored 207 captions across 393 games. They follow 17 players and have 24 followers. They've earned a total of 1,219 emotes!


Commented in the game Evil cat eating Angry Bird!

Commented in the game Oh no! Giant flying sheep!

Commented in the game Mewtwo and Mew!

Commented in the game Mewtwo and Mew!

Commented in the game John, wtf?

Commented in the game Mewtwo and Mew!

Commented in the game favorite sans quote PIO

Commented in the game undertails finale finale boss

Commented in the game undertails finale finale boss

Commented in the game Mewtwo and Mew!

Commented in the game GASTER IS NOT UBOA!

Commented in the game Planet Dolan hires a new narrator

Commented in the game Memories of Butter