

March 3rd, 2016   c o

MattePurpleHat has drawn 218 drawings and authored 91 captions across 309 games. They follow 55 players and have 25 followers. They've earned a total of 786 emotes!


Commented in the game mordicai & rigby

Commented in the game Very happy bird gazes into sunset

Commented in the game Scroll of Town Portal

Commented in the game Medusa

Commented in the game sonic gay

Commented in the game snas undertale

Commented in the game Free Draw PIO

Commented in the game Free Draw PIO

Commented in the game Satan In Underwear

Commented in the game Dairy Cow has milk fever

Commented in the game Day shifts a freddys

Commented in the game Day shifts a freddys

Commented in the game Day shifts a freddys

Commented in the game Day shifts a freddys

Commented in the game Tommy Wiseau