

March 23rd, 2016

penguin27 has drawn 233 drawings and authored 415 captions across 648 games. They follow 31 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 2,170 emotes!


Commented in the game chikorita is now a meme

Commented in the game drunk jazza

Commented in the game shrek is love, shrek is life

Commented in the game Wood man!

Commented in the game Master of the Universe

Commented in the game Favorite anime PIO

Commented in the game Chinese Yellmo

Commented in the game I love my dead gay son

Commented in the game President Donald Duck

Commented in the game President Donald Duck

Commented in the game Finding Bigfoot

Commented in the game Nanalan batman

Commented in the game dirty dan

Commented in the game The Undrawable

Commented in the game The Undrawable

Commented in the game goosebusters

Commented in the game favorite anime character pio

Commented in the game favorite anime character pio