Commented in the game Snakes in a can
@Patrick Webb heh you said "Jake's diaper crap" and I couldn't help but chuckle, sorry
Commented in the game When it hits you just right...
@Sarr_Cat I played it a few years back, couldn't remember my login info, so just was like "Eh use FB account...whatevs" lol, Still funny as hell to me
Commented in the game Snakes in a can
@Sarr_Cat I figured the level limit was there to prevent trolls from abusing. I wasn't sure about the report on profile thing, I figured that also hada level limit
Commented in the game Snakes in a can
Went to Undertale, then left it, then back to it...whelp!
Commented in the game An Harry scary skeleton
@Kanra Same, that "level not high enough" thing is kind of dumb
Commented in the game Snakes in a can
Dat panel 6 tho!
Commented in the game Portugal
Someone doesn't know the difference between basketball and baseball lol
This seems like an accurate description to me
Commented in the game The Origin Of Drawception's Logo(P.I.O, story)
@Unlicht Nice derailment :P
Commented in the game ayy lmao
That last panel looks like a horror scene lol
Commented in the game Deadpool Pokemon
@Saitama Whelp this apparently happened?
Commented in the game contract
Somehow, this turned into something good despite the derailment
Commented in the game Bugs Bunny in blackface
I friggen sneezed while trying to write hands... Argh lol
Commented in the game Very detailed picture
@Argo3422 Eh I never played Undertale and don't care for Homestuck, so I generally try to skip those myself. Guess some people are just assholes
Commented in the game Other fandoms gang up to jump Undertale fandom
@Argo3422 I think it's really more of "we literally don't want to see it ALL THE TIME" than actually hating it.
Commented in the game Other fandoms gang up to jump Undertale fandom
This kind of escalated in quality as it went on lol
Commented in the game deemo p.i.o.
@Benedikt Fink Average Friday night really...
Commented in the game your favorite pastime
Fav due to instant derailment lol
Commented in the game Stop derailing Undertale games!
This went from masturbation to crabs to undertale to suicide...whelp
Commented in the game your favorite pastime
@Sarr_Cat I am awful at the drawing part, but I at least try once in a while lol