

April 8th, 2016

Haylstorm has drawn 197 drawings and authored 280 captions across 477 games. They follow 3 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 1,299 emotes!


Commented in the game Shoot through the heart

Commented in the game Shoot through the heart

Commented in the game Baby burrito

Commented in the game The cake is innocent

Commented in the game The cake is innocent

Commented in the game Breadbug 250 Games!

Commented in the game Glados Killing Wheatly

Commented in the game Shulk from Xenoblade

Commented in the game Super Meat Boy

Commented in the game Vinesauce Joel

Commented in the game Litten, the Fire Cat Pokémon.

Commented in the game Dandelion

Commented in the game A sad fat dragon with no friends

Commented in the game Mettaton.

Commented in the game Favourite Teletoon Show PIO