

April 9th, 2016

WalterCM has drawn 15 drawings and authored 10 captions across 25 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 31 emotes!

Man wearing a duck underwear Nov 1st, 2016
Jesus walks on Soda Apr 10th, 2016
Phishing Apr 10th, 2016
Pokemon Apr 10th, 2016
Sleepy dinosaur Apr 10th, 2016
Grammer Nazi Apr 9th, 2016
kid blaming isis for his own problems Apr 9th, 2016
Spider praying to a Swastika Apr 9th, 2016
Day 15 on the surface of the sun... Apr 9th, 2016
oh no! Apr 9th, 2016
Ugh this box is filled with ninja sloths again Apr 9th, 2016
Half-Life 2 Headcrab Apr 9th, 2016
Lightning Strikes Green House Apr 9th, 2016
man's leg falls off while jumping Apr 9th, 2016
Giraffe and green blob are angry at each other Apr 9th, 2016