

April 14th, 2016

420Dankbush420 has drawn 190 drawings and authored 41 captions across 231 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 643 emotes!


Commented in the game The Pun-isher

Commented in the game Gamzee

Commented in the game Everydayimbufferin

Commented in the game Everydayimbufferin

Commented in the game Gamzee

Commented in the game Oscar, Knight of Astora

Commented in the game napstoblooks favorite video game

Commented in the game Team Magma = Team Swagma

Commented in the game Friendship isn't Magic

Commented in the game Buffalo comes (;

Commented in the game Oscar, Knight of Astora

Commented in the game when google makes a youtube blue

Commented in the game Mystery skulls - Ghost

Commented in the game Jowee is ready for adventure!

Commented in the game Jowee is ready for adventure!

Commented in the game Green is not a creative color

Commented in the game Gun that shoots middle fingers

Commented in the game Buffalo comes (;