

April 29th, 2016   Time continuum

Airtoum has drawn 80 drawings and authored 125 captions across 205 games. They follow 6 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 397 emotes!

North Korea blows up the Moon with it's nukes May 23rd, 2016
When Cheetos go to far... Sep 21st, 2016
Eevee's new Z move Sep 21st, 2016
mike wazowksi becomes bill cosby Sep 21st, 2016
Pigeon struts its stuff Sep 20th, 2016
Ninja Rambo Sep 21st, 2016
Confuse the crap out of the next person. Sep 21st, 2016
[ NSFW (18+) Game ] May 29th, 2016
Gir. (Invader Zim) Jul 10th, 2016
A Dratini Martini May 25th, 2016
MAKE THIS A TOP GAME May 22nd, 2016
The Moon face kid from NiEr May 23rd, 2016
The Last Supper Mario May 22nd, 2016
there once was a tophat [cont story] May 7th, 2016
John Cena, who... (cont story) Apr 5th, 2016
There was once a cupcake Unicorn (Cont. story) Apr 4th, 2016
Once there was a crazed murderer (cont. story) May 17th, 2016
Confuse the next player. May 18th, 2016