
Carnal Carrion

May 8th, 2016   Hell

Carnal Carrion has drawn 285 drawings and authored 161 captions across 446 games. They follow 51 players and have 30 followers. They've earned a total of 2,138 emotes!


Commented in the game Yandere simulater

Commented in the game Wheatley is in space

Commented in the game Goku vs. Brock Lesnar: WWE

Commented in the game "No, that would be your mother!"

Commented in the game Godot

Commented in the game Potato chip (GONE WRONG)

Commented in the game The best thing in the whole world!

Commented in the game USG Ishimura

Commented in the game Oya oya oya?

Commented in the game Oya oya oya?

Commented in the game Tilly the comet flies through space