

May 9th, 2016

Adversaries has drawn 211 drawings and authored 247 captions across 458 games. They follow 98 players and have 63 followers. They've earned a total of 1,915 emotes!


Commented in the game Squid Driving

Commented in the game Some creppy stuff

Commented in the game Some creppy stuff

Commented in the game Randall Weems

Commented in the game bomberman drinking a redbull

Commented in the game Manbat Vs Mediocreman

Commented in the game If SpongeBob Was An Anime

Commented in the game arcade machine is having an orgasm

Commented in the game Kirby But a bee

Commented in the game john madden aeiou

Commented in the game walugi dab

Commented in the game Create a hybrid animal PIO

Commented in the game A calm road in the woods

Commented in the game HERE COMES DAT GAMEBOI!