

May 22nd, 2016

mrtechanime has drawn 496 drawings and authored 214 captions across 710 games. They follow 2,326 players and have 503 followers. They've earned a total of 5,412 emotes!


Commented in the game Eating Corn with a Sponge

Commented in the game Bunny girl surfs on a guitar

Commented in the game Ben 10 in Alabama

Commented in the game Free draw! (pass it on)

Commented in the game free draw

Commented in the game Mandalorian

Commented in the game space dinosaur

Commented in the game The wheeze laugh guy

Commented in the game deadpool

Commented in the game 4Chan vs Tumblr: The Movie

Commented in the game 4Chan vs Tumblr: The Movie

Commented in the game Favorite anime, PIO

Commented in the game Favorite anime, PIO

Commented in the game A banana attacking the city

Commented in the game The Worst Meme Ever