Commented in the game Buffalo crossing a Bridge
Commented in the game Day 78:they still think I'm 1 of thm. Bears!
Commented in the game Cat hiring Unicorn
Commented in the game Donkey kong goes to walmart
Commented in the game A scissor, not a pair of scissors
Commented in the game Homestuck
Commented in the game Homestuck
Commented in the game My little pony meets Chernobyl
Commented in the game General
Commented in the game Red Riding Hood
Commented in the game Livestreamer Coding
Commented in the game Three tough gang people
Commented in the game Sailor Tails (Sonic)
Commented in the game Original Badger
Commented in the game Pink Pearl SU
Commented in the game Popeye
Commented in the game Painter robot repainting its own colors
Commented in the game Yoda Yawning
Commented in the game Monster Kid (Undertale)
Commented in the game Link as a horse and Epona as a human