Commented in the game Valentine's Bumblebee
What's the plural of mantis? Manti? Mantises?
Commented in the game Praying Mantis
@Dairun Cates Don't be so salty about it. Instead, take it with a pinch of salt.
Commented in the game Salting a Knife
Missblack, not gonna lie: you confused the hell out of me cx
Commented in the game Waffles Hairdresser
This game shows the "sad" reaction is needed to panels as well ;_; Poor deadly bloodthirsty animal :'(
Commented in the game Sexy Shark
I wasn't at all trying to force a top game or something. Nope. Nuh uh. Definitly. Not. I mean definitly not. Innocent whistlening
Commented in the game The Hivemind
It takes me back to an early game of mine
Commented in the game It
Not been playing for a year and the first game I enter becomes top :D (I did only caption though, but I'm easily pleased)
Commented in the game Mule on Saturn
I LOVE Aris bird :3
Commented in the game Cute Birb
@AbbotFaria Yup, it was the intention but I'm happy with these drawings too :3
Commented in the game Helicoppter
@Daviseti Pan = bread Sear = burn (kinda). The bread is kinda dark so probably toasted. So technically pansear. A new player who hasn't played pokemon don't know what either a pansear or a PIO is.
Commented in the game Design a pansear P.I.O
@CATASTIC That was actually what inspired this game :3
Commented in the game As many cats in one picture as possible
@Nikos Already done ;b
Commented in the game Boxer vs. Raptor
Pretty good for not being a Vet-game :)
Commented in the game Raven of ink .
Commented in the game Death lost arms and dedicates life 2 gardening
Guybrush threepwood? :0
Commented in the game Are you, are you coming to the tree?
Space pear becomes harambe at first, and then Pepe becomes a Zucchini :0 Drawception really is miscommunication at high level.
Commented in the game Why isn't this a top game?
I really envy those who can do nice drawings with just black and white, so I really like nr. 10
Commented in the game Draw something spooky! P.I.O
@fishMcfish D as in Dis is not spam at all
Commented in the game A slice of cheesecake
@fishMcfish b
Commented in the game A slice of cheesecake
I was going for a BEEf, but i think I like where it ended up instead.