

June 14th, 2016   United States

milotic6312 has drawn 217 drawings and authored 366 captions across 583 games. They follow 42 players and have 14 followers. They've earned a total of 1,447 emotes!


Commented in the game Lars of the Stars

Commented in the game BRAVEST WARRIORS (P.I.O)

Commented in the game Sentient vacuum cleaner

Commented in the game Lars of the Stars

Commented in the game Dogma

Commented in the game Super DeVito Bros

Commented in the game Spongebob on Broadway

Commented in the game Mordecai and Rigby from Regular Show

Commented in the game Honduran White Bat

Commented in the game Succ

Commented in the game Pig Person.

Commented in the game cows

Commented in the game ninja'd

Commented in the game Donald Trump raping a Unicorn

Commented in the game "Blimey!" said Ron, eating.