

June 14th, 2016   tea world

a_social_media_ has drawn 142 drawings and authored 180 captions across 322 games. They follow 3 players and have 8 followers. They've earned a total of 661 emotes!


Commented in the game Deadpool

Commented in the game Your favorite Ice cream P.I.O

Commented in the game The walking dead

Commented in the game A whole in a rainbow

Commented in the game Drawception click bait

Commented in the game Lets make this a top game guys!

Commented in the game Sword Art Online

Commented in the game A Cutiefly meeting an actual Bee

Commented in the game WE.... ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS

Commented in the game We. ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS

Commented in the game Chell and Glados

Commented in the game A princess.

Commented in the game never trust a fart

Commented in the game Waterfall at sunset

Commented in the game Waterfall at sunset